

Can you remember sitting around with friends, contemplating the universe and the meaning of life?

I can. I remember as a young man saying things like, "Wow, man, I think when we die, we just float around the universe exploring different planets and stuff." Another would respond to my profound insight with something like, "I dunno, man, I think when we die we just return to mother nature." Then, someone else might add something like, "Hey, I wanna come back as a talking llama with two heads."

Is the truth "whatever I wanna believe"? Is truth relative and subjective, or is there in fact one universal, objective truth about everything that applies to all of us all at once?

There are many different beliefs around the world about God, the universe, mankind and the meaning of life. Suicide terrorists die almost every day for what they believe. When one of them dies killing innocent "infidels", will he indeed have some number of virgins awaiting him in heaven? Will he even go to heaven at all? It seems preposterous to me, but will it be true for him anyway, simply because it's what he has chosen to believe? Some would agree. They would say, "Whatever he believes is true for him, man!"

But does the truth depend on what we feel like believing, and can the truth of my existence be different from yours? After all, if there are two "truths" that conflict with each other, they both can't be true, right? Either one or the other is false, or they're both false, but they can't both be the absolute truth.

There's no use believing something unless it's the truth, right? Anything but the truth is nonsense, nowhere, neverland. You can believe that two plus two equals three if you want to, but that doesn't make it a fact, right? Let's say that you have a flat tire on your car. You can choose to believe it's not flat, but that won't change the truth about it, right? And even if you choose to believe it's not flat, which you can do if you really want to, try driving the car to work.

The fact is that our chosen beliefs have no bearing on the Truth.

Think of a court trial of a murder case, and pretend we are the jury and that none of us witnessed the murder first-hand. We have the body of the murdered person, and we have the man accused of the murder. Both sides present their case, and we the jury will make a decision by applying our logic and reason to the preponderance of evidence presented. Then let's say that, even though there's no hard evidence (we didn't witness it for ourselves) to prove it, we decide he's guilty because that's just how the evidence stacks up and we're convinced. We still don't know the truth about it, though; he could still be innocent! Then after we render a guilty verdict and they're hauling him away to prison, someone comes running in with a hidden camera video that clearly shows someone else committing the murder.

In court, even though we have no hard, irrefutable proof either way, we make a decision because we are forced to make a choice one way or the other. If reasonable doubt still exists, we decide for innocence. Even though we don't want to let the guilty go free, we most certainly don't want to send an innocent man to prison. We consider this to be the safest bet when there's no proof either way. We bet that he's innocent, and take our chances.

Logically, you must agree that if God does indeed exist, your belief that He doesn't exist can't make Him disappear. I cannot prove to you with hard evidence that God exists, and you cannot prove to me that He doesn't exist. Nevertheless, the truth is that we can't both be right! He either exists or He doesn't. And if He does exist, He exists for all of us regardless of what we believe. His existence is independent of whatever we choose to believe.

Faith: A Freely Chosen Belief

Let's reason logically for a moment. Whatever we choose to believe when there is no hard, irrefutable proof either way is nothing more than a guess or a bet. Faith is a chosen belief in the absence of irrefutable proof. Atheism, or the belief that there is no God, is based on nothing but faith in a chosen belief for which there is no irrefutable proof. Therefore, atheism is a type of faith.

Let's face it, you can say there's no invisible, most-high God of our universe over all of us, but just because we can't see Him doesn't prove anything to me. The BIG question is: What's the safer bet? If there's at least the slightest chance that God really does exist, which no one has ever proven otherwise (trust me), then you must admit that it would be wise to consider it, right? What would you say are the odds?

I could say "I believe God exists, and that there is life after death, and where I go for eternity depends on whether I believe the Bible as God's Word and what's written in it." You could say, "I believe there's no God, and so when we die we just cease to exist altogether."

We can simply agree to disagree, but there's a fact that still remains: If you're right, I've gambled nothing; but if the Bible is right, you've gambled your eternal fate. If it turns out in the end that the Bible is the Truth, you might be in big trouble for all of eternity. The Truth will happen to all of us eventually, but perhaps not until it's too late for us to change our minds about it.

I remember something I saw once in a casino in Las Vegas. This is a true story: Two security guards were literally dragging a guy away from a roulette table who was kicking and screaming like someone had just poured acid on him, yelling "I was just kidding! It was a mistake! Come on, I'm serious! I didn't mean to do it!" I asked someone at the roulette table what had happened, and she merely referred me to the sign above the roulette wheel that read "BET YOUR PAYCHECK".

Whether the screaming man had been just kidding or not, he had apparently placed his paycheck on the table, the roulette wheel was spun, and his whole paycheck was gone in one spin! And nobody cared about his excuses; the casino wasn't about to give it back! The man was in terrible torment about what he had done, but his entire paycheck, nevertheless, was gone forever!

Did he consider that there was a chance he'd lose, or that if he did lose he wouldn't be able to beg and plead his paycheck back afterwards? And what did he think the odds were? I'm sure he must have considered these things. He was apparently just hoping for the best, but he placed an awfully big bet on an awfully small chance.

What if there really is a life after death and your destiny for all of eternity depends on your choice of faith about God? Can you prove otherwise? No one can say it's impossible, because no one has hard evidence either way. Remember, just as it is impossible for me to prove to you with hard evidence that God exists, it's impossible for you to prove that God doesn't exist. In the same way, it's also impossible to prove that there's no life after death, or that there's no heaven or hell.

Imagine being completely alone in utter darkness in the most torturous torment imaginable, with no way out of it, no chance for escape, not even another death to look forward to, no way to plead your life back, and no one to plead with who cares. You're stuck with your mistaken choice of belief about God forever. This is at least remotely possible, isn't it? What would you say are the odds, as if your best guess matters?

Right now you're probably thinking "I don't believe that." And the beauty of it is, you don't have to! It is entirely your choice, your own bet on a roulette table with a sign that reads, "BET YOUR ETERNAL FATE", and no one to listen to your plea anymore after your roulette wheel is spun if your bet was wrong!

The "Religious" Crutches

Atheists say that faith in God (or what they call "religion") is just a crutch for the weak to make us feel better, and in one sense that's true. It does make me feel much, much better to have the certain hope of living with God, the perfectly loving Master and Creator of the universe, where He is in a wonderful and perfect existence where there will be no more death, or pain, or suffering, or misery, or evil of any kind after my short life on earth is over.

But I am not "religious" by any means, and imaginary crutches are worthless to me.

Atheists say that the concept of God is just something man made up to give ourselves a sense of meaning and purpose. It certainly does give my life meaning to believe that I have a purpose in something far greater than my own little temporary existence on earth, but it doesn't necessarily mean we made it up!

By the same token, I say that atheism (or the belief that God doesn't exist) is a crutch of faith to make atheists feel better. If you're an atheist or agnostic, I think you need to believe there's no God because if that's true, then there's no higher power or court over you to judge you and possibly condemn you. It may be for any reason, such as a misunderstanding about God, that you choose to believe He doesn't exist.

Maybe it's because of some guilt you're carrying that makes you feel as though you are unforgivable. Or it may be because of a misconception you have that God is a mean and evil dictator. Or maybe you're angry with God and hate Him for some reason. In any case, you've chosen to deny God and are betting your eternal fate on it, and it is probably because of some misconception or misunderstanding you have. Or maybe you think that since all your friends share your belief, even if you're wrong and end up going to hell there will be a party there anyway because all your friends will be there too.

I believe in God, and I believe the Bible is God's Word pleading with us not to carelessly bet our eternal destiny on our own guesses. If you're right and I'm wrong, I will just cease to exist when I die, like you, and I will have lost nothing. But if the Bible is right and you're wrong, you may be eternally damned for your non-belief. Your bet is, pardon the expression, a fool's bet: You're wagering your eternal fate on your faith that God doesn't exist.

Think purely logically for a moment: is this a risk you're really willing to take? It's an awfully big bet on an awfully small chance!

Maybe it's because you believe in Darwinism. If you choose to believe in Darwinism, that your genesis (origin) was a mud puddle of primordial soup and that you've descended from apes, then you can certainly solve in your mind the meaning of life with one word: NOTHING!

No wonder belief in Darwin's hypothesis is such a popular faith these days. Even though it may not be at all true, it's certainly much simpler and more convenient. Then you don't have to worry that you're missing out on something. Then you're free to believe that you are your own god and your own judge, and whatever you do doesn't matter.

Then there's no reason for your conscience or guilt. You're free to do whatever you can get away with. Live for yourself. If it feels good, do it. Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die. Do unto others whatever you feel like doing unto others. Like the single commandment in the Satanic bible states, "Do What Thou Wilt."

No wonder murder and other heinously violent crimes are so rampant these days! If the kids at school hurt your feelings, just go shoot as many of them as you can, then kill yourself. What's the difference? If my ancestors were animals, then we're all just worthless animals anyway, so it doesn't matter, right?

But if this is what you believe, you would be wise to consider the fact that Darwin's thesis On the Origin of Species was never a fact, and indeed never even called a fact! It was only an hypothesis he made up some 150 years ago without any proof to support it! I'll explain.

Darwin's "Theory" Revisited

A scientific hypothesis or theory is just an idea based on their best guess at the time pending further evidence, until or unless it's proven wrong later. It's never a fact! But you can swallow it as a fact if you want to. Look at the Islamist terrorists. They like to believe that if they die killing infidels, then there will be some number of virgins waiting for them in heaven, or some such nonsense. Do you think it's true for them just because it's what they feel like believing?

As scientifically irresponsible as Darwin's theory was 150 or so years ago, you can still believe it anyway if you feel like it. After all, I've always believed that Pluto was a planet, until recently when our scientists told us that, oops, no, wait: we've just discovered that Pluto is actually more like a moon or a comet.

It happens all the time, the scientific experts telling us one thing, then later discovering proof to the contrary and announcing their newest theory which corrects their previous one. That's why they're only called a "theory" and not a fact. "The earth is flat; opps, no, wait, the earth is round." "The sun orbits around the earth; oops, no, wait, the earth orbits the sun." "Cholesterol is bad; oops, no, wait, good cholesterol is good." "Pluto is a planet; oops, no, wait, Pluto is a moon."

But you can still go on believing Pluto is a planet if you want to, just like you can go on believing Darwin's 150 year old "theory." I marvel at what one woman said, "I don't care what the truth is, I'm going to keep believing what I've always believed." And that's her choice, ridiculously illogical or not. She's going to keep her white-knuckled grip on what she's always believed, even in the face of new proof to the contrary.

If you think truth is relative and subjective, in other words that "The truth is whatever I wanna believe, man!", then you're free to keep your white-knuckled grip on atheism and Darwinism, and feel relieved of responsibility, guilt, and fear of judgment.

But here's something you've probably never realized: Darwin never even attempted to prove the non-existence of God; the most he tried to propose is that a Divine Creator wasn't necessary! His "theory" only allows for the non-existence of God at best.

Because even Darwin was intelligent enough to know that it's impossible to prove that God doesn't exist.

In fact, much of our world's scientific community is still scrambling to dig up some kind of evidence to stick under his "theory" and prop it up. It's phenomenal. It's like building a house, and then trying to shove a foundation under it afterwards. Imagine how much of our scientific manpower, money and resources have been wasted over these last 150 years trying to find anything to reinforce Darwin's careless theory, On the Origin of Species! That fact alone should make us furious!

The Latest Scientific Theory

Perhaps you're aware that there are now more and more scientists, many of whom are former Darwinians, who are publicly coming forth with the newly discovered observable evidence (made possible by the recent advances in scientific research technology) of what they've termed an "irreducible complexity" to some basic life forms. These scientific discoveries have left them no alternative but to conclude that these life forms could only have been created intact, or "as is"! This has forced them to admit to what they call an "intelligent design" of living organisms.

Without going any further with their conclusion, probably because they're afraid it might sound "religious" (a supposed no-no of science), what these scientists have termed "intelligent design" implies the existence of an Intelligent Designer! Though some of them might even rather ignore it, they can't help but call it what it is. The evidence leaves them no alternative! "Intelligent design" is a scientific conclusion from among the same non-religious community of scientists as traditional Darwinists!

So now we have two theories about the origin of life on earth; two different theories from the same scientific community: One, the "cosmic fluke" Darwinian evolution theory for which no observable evidence has ever been found to support it; and the other, the "intelligent design" theory resulting as the only possible answer, or theory, based on their most recently discovered observable evidence.

The first theory was formed without observable evidence, while the latest one was formed as an answer to newly observed evidence. Remember "Pluto is a planet; oops, no, wait, now that we can see it more clearly, Pluto is actually a moon or a comet."

Which theory of the origin of life will you believe? The unfounded 150 year old one based on nothing more than Darwin's contemplations, or the most recent theory formed as an answer to observable evidence? Will you keep your white-knuckled grip on Darwinism and say, "I don't care what the truth is! I'm going to keep believing what I've always believed!"

What would you say the odds are now that there is no God? If you're an Atheist with any sense of reason and logic you must admit that, considering the latest scientific theory of Intelligent Design, your odds of being right have gotten markedly smaller.

We can never know when our roulette wheel will spin, but we know that once it spins, all bets are set. I wonder if that guy in Vegas would have pulled his paycheck off the table if he had considered it more carefully and had had more warning. I actually thought subconsciously at one time that I could just hurry up and put my seatbelt on when I realize I'm about to be in an accident, until the first time I smashed my face into the windshield.

Death, especially sudden ones, are always a surprise. You might die tomorrow, or the next time you drive your car.

So, dear atheist, don't you want to re-consider your bet while there's still time before your roulette wheel spins? After all, it's your own fate we're talking about - no one else's; and your eternal fate is the largest bet you'll ever place in this life. Shouldn't you at least consider what's the safer bet? Life is short...


1 comment:

Lavrador said...

Asalam alekum!
good morning my friend. I don't spike English but aim understand your profile. I am missionary in Ivory Coast and I am not religion for the people. I am the gospel of Jesus Christ!

God bless you!